
About Us

Mission Statement

At The Homestead Education, our focus is to support families who are ready and wanting to think outside the box, raise self-sufficient children, and to always be learning and growing.  Homestead Education focuses on giving access to needed information that’s easy to implement so those who are ready to take the leap – can! 

From supporting & empowering families with homeschooling, introducing homesteading, and offering curriculum that supports these values – The Homestead Education is passionate about starting a fire that will start a revolution to create change within a world that no longer works.  

We do this by empowering families to step into their own way of life, helping them embrace the “out of the box” thinking, and building confidence within children who will carry this “always growing” mindset on for generations! 

We have come a long way!

I started my blog (previously known as Homemade Revelation) in 2018 after my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cirrhosis. We had to change to a completely all-natural life almost overnight. And like most modern families in at the time, we were all about the convenience foods as we darted around town for sports practices, youth group, and 4-H meetings. We were avid hunters, always had a garden, chickens, and liked to raise an extra freezer pig every year. But that was barely enough to really embrace all-natural living. I felt overwhelmed with my goals and decided to share our journey with the world!

I am very pleased to say that after moving to North Idaho, starting our homestead, and growing as much of our own food as we can, my husband has been given a clean bill of health!

Through this journey, we have built a commercial homestead where we heavily supplement our income from pork sales and other seasonal homestead products. We are also planning to open a store in 2024 on the homestead to be able to sell our products to more customers.

hanner family

Sharing our knowledge

We began homeschooling our children around the same time as we began our all-natural journey. As I mentioned before, I was overwhelmed by learning a whole new way of living, and homeschooling didn’t make that any easier.

I was at a loss on how to get started homeschooling. So my thought was that seems how I had extensive experience in farming and agriculture, I would teach them what I knew. However, I thought I would make my life easier by picking up an agriculture curriculum to follow (I mean there was a curriculum out there for everything, right?). Boy was I wrong! I conceded to teaching many other curriculums over the years, but I was always on the search for a true science based farming curriculum. 

After four years, I knew that if I wanted this curriculum for the kids, I would have to create it. And that is how Homestead Science came to be! I knew that I wanted to teach a generation about where their food came. I also knew I wanted to teach their parents as well as we were eyeballs deep in the pandemic. People were scared and realized that chasing our roots was going to benefit us more than the rat race we had been chasing! 

I started The Homestead Education Podcast to reach homesteaders and homeschoolers of all levels and help teach them the questions they don’t know to ask. This has led to the amazing opportunity of teaching all over the country at homestead and homeschool conferences! 

I would love to connect!

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