Kody Hanner
Episode Highlights
In a special episode, my husband, Ron Hanner, joins me to discuss why we began homesteading. We hope no one else ever has to face this story, but we are so happy that we have reached a place where we can hopefully help you on your journey toward self-sufficiency!
When the American food system is broken, we share how we have fixed it for ourselves.
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/WmInikh9n4s
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Podcast Links and Resources
Let’s Talk About Lard YouTube: https://youtu.be/ATKkw1_x9w4
Spokane Spices: https://bit.ly/spokanespice
The Modern Homesteading Podcast: https://redemptionpermaculture.com/category/podcast/
Horsemanship with Brandy: https://www.horsemanshipwithbrandy.com/a/2147685007/rrU2e6mV
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