
Episode 102: Can you be girly and a homesteader? With Laura Millat

girly and a homesteader

Episode Highlights

Laura Millat from The Girly Homesteader Podcast shares her story of becoming a homesteader when she felt like she didn’t fit any of the molds. 

While she navigates her journey, she jokes about homestead scout badges and has put together a beautiful and useful planner that you can get for 15% off with code KODY15.

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Podcast Links and Resources

Laura’s Website: www.thegirlyhomesteader.com

Bug Bite Thing: https://amzn.to/49Ur2AQ

Kody’s Links:

Homestead Business: www.thehomesteadeducation.com/homestead-business

Speaking Schedule: www.thehomesteadeducation.com/events

Homestead Curriculum: www.homesteadsciencecurriculum.com

The Homestead Education Website: www.thehomesteadeducation.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/homestead_education

Curriculum: www.homesteadsciencecurriculum.com

Homestead Business: https://www.thehomesteadeducation.com/homesteading/

Buying Vacant Land: https://www.thehomesteadeducation.com/vacant-land/

Get on the waitlist for Homestead History: https://www.thehomesteadeducation.com/homestead-history/