
Build Your Own Homestead – Little Learner’s Library

Thank you for purchasing Build Your Own Homestead – Little Learners Homestead Science! 

I’m excited for your children dig deeper into homestead life. 

Homestead Science


We would love to see pictures of the projects your wonderful kids will complete! 

Use this library for extra copies of downloads!


Fun activity to build or design a barn using any of your favorite craft supplies. Check out some of the suggestions on the page!

Fruit Bingo

Spend time with your kids at the farmer's market or grocery store learning about fruit.

Goat Coloring

Who doesn't love a baby goat?

Llama Coloring

Aren't llamas awesome?

Plant an Orchard

Paint the fruit the correct color with a Q-tip.

Sheep Wool

Glue cotton balls to the sheep, you can dye or color them too!

Homestead Alphabet activities

Alphabet Additional Ideas

Ideas for activities, reading or videos to help learn the homestead alphabet.