
Start Growing With A Homestead Education

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Are you ready to start growing?

Welcome to the first episode of The Homestead Education!

The Homestead Education Podcast is for homesteaders and homeschoolers who are seeking to continue and advance their passion for a self-sufficient lifestyle. If you are ready to learn, be encouraged, and guided, my podcast can help you (and your kids), grow your own food and grow as a person with a homestead education.

Join myself and guests as I share and explore homesteading, homeschooling, and growing as a person centered on the benefits of a homestead education.

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Want to teach your kids about homesteading? Check out my one-of-a-kind homesteading homeschool curriculums, Homestead Science!

If you have a question you would like me to answer or just want to say hello, email me at hello@thehomesteadeducation.com

The Homestead Education Podcast Website

Hello friends, I’d like to thank you for listening to the first episode of the Homestead Education.

I’d like to start by sharing with you that not only has agriculture along with farming and ranching been a huge part of my life and I have always been drawn to teaching about my life’s passion.

SO why didn’t I become an ag teacher you ask?

Well, being the homeschool mom of 6 that I am now, I can solidly tell you that I would never have had the patience for that line of work!

I have always preferred working with animals, and I had actually dreamed of working with the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) as a food safety inspector. In my next episode I’ll tell you how that went.

Fast forward to what led me to sitting in front of my mic today.

After a huge life changing event, I began my homestead/homemade blog, Homemade Revelation. This inspired me to write my one of a kind homeschool curriculum on homesteading, researching so many other bloggers and podcasters (I have a little secret, I don’t watch YouTube even though I have a small channel myself that I will occasionally video my podcast), attending homestead events and really thinking about my stance on this amazing lifestyle. Especially the last couple of years starting with Covid.

I realized what a lot of other people were seeing at the same time. That as a society, we need to be more self-sufficient, community sufficient, and less reliant on the supply chain for many goods, services, and even education.

That realization brought me down a path of figuring out where this journey of self-sufficiency begins. And you may be thinking with ourselves. Here! Now! Make that choice!

There has never been a better time in recent history to embrace this pursuit of homesteading. There is a wealth of knowledge out there that is literally at everyone’s fingertips. So, if this was your thoughts, you are right! At least partly.

This journey has to start and continue with a mindset for ourselves and our children.

In college, I read a sociological study on the downfall of the modern man at as the head of the household. Now, I would like to find this article again and dive deeper into it with you guys one day. But, basically is discusses the societal changes after WWII that led families (both physically and symbolically) to move away from the multigenerational family farm. If went deeper into men working outside the family unit, the rise in divorce rates, and work ethic in children.

However, what stood out to me in this piece was that is also discusses how children are no longer raised, taught, and educated by their parents and the multigenerational family on farms and homesteads anymore. Therefore, leading to a breakdown of many facets of our society.

Like I said before, I would love to dissect this article more in terms of self-sufficiency on a personal and community scale in another episode.

For now, I just want to use my thoughts and curiosity of these systems to lead myself and my guests down the road of growth. Growth on the homestead, growing your own food, growth in self-reliance, and growth as a person for you and our next generation.

On my podcast, I will be talking about homesteading, homeschooling, and personal development. I plan to cover agriculture, social sciences, self-help avenues, parenting and anything that speaks to me that I hope you will gain something from.

I will also strive to come to you from a REAL perspective on this lifestyle that we are in the pursuit of together.

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