  • Homestead,  Podcast

    How To Do It All On Your Homestead

    This post may contain affiliate links where I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Ever get overwhelmed with everything you need to accomplish? My strategy has tips, tricks, and how to involve the family. Plus get an update on our homestead and some new offers from The Homestead Education. Get your free detailed guide on low startup cost homestead money makers that anyone can do in their free time! Subscribe to The Homestead Education: https://www.thehomesteadeducation.com/subscribe/ Learn more about homesteading, homeschooling, and home cooking at the Homestead Education Website The Homestead Education Podcast: https://www.thehomesteadeducation.com/podcast/ Free Homestead Homeschool Webinar: https://www.thehomesteadeducation.com/teach-homesteading/ Shop Homestead Curriculum: https://www.thehomesteadeducation.com/shop/ Start a Homestead Business:…

  • Homestead Business
    Farm & Garden,  Homestead

    Homestead Business Ideas to Build a Self-Sufficient Homestead

    Over 100 homestead business ideas to help build a self-sufficient homestead either full-time or in your spare time. Making money on your homestead allows you to become more self-sufficient, afford homestead improvements, and maybe even be able to work exclusively from home. Below, you will find an extensive list of over 100 homestead business ideas that will hopefully get your juices flowing. The key to a successful homestead business, though, is to find a product or niche that has a place in the market. What is the market you ask? The market can be your local market, a storefront market, or even an online market (as long as your product…

  • start seeds
    Farm & Garden,  Homestead

    Know when to start my seeds indoors?

    Facebook Pinterest Email Print This post contains affiliate links. Do you know when to start seeds indoors for your vegetable garden? Once upon a time, knowing when to start seeds was a total mystery for me. I would stare at that map on the back of the seed packet with a swirl of color that swept across a drawing of the United States. For the most part, that picture only confused me more especially when just within my county the climate changed radically from the coast to mountains to scorching hot valleys. How could this sweeping picture on my seed packet have any accuracy? Understanding Seed Starting by zones The…

  • prevent mold on seedlings
    Farm & Garden,  Homestead

    How to prevent mold on your plant starts!

    Share on facebook Facebook Share on pinterest Pinterest Share on email Email Share on print Print This post contains affiliate links. What could it really hurt to not sanitize something that has been sitting dry for last year? Surprisingly, a lot! Mold spores can dry to the inside of pots, trays, and tools. Then when seedlings are started and everything is wet, warm, and a wonderful food supply is added, it’s a perfect environment for mold, mildew, and fungus. What to do about this? First step is mold prevention Well, it helps to rinse your trays or pots after transplanting but let’s be serious. When you’re done planting your garden…

  • high, desert, gardening, hoop, house, greenhouse, raised bed, garden, central Oregon, freezing,
    Farm & Garden

    Attempting The High Desert Garden

    When my husband and I bought our beautiful home in the high desert we were so excited to put our acreage to work! We both grew up in Northern California, so having an abundant garden was a breeze. We soon found out that we also had taken if for granted. Attempt #1 We moved in June, so by California standards, our garden was late already. Our first order of business (after unloading the trailer) was getting plants in the ground. I found out later that in our gardening zone the soil temperature isn’t high enough to plant until June. Turns out we were actually on track. There was a perfect…

  • Wire, compost, bin, composting, garden, gardening, high, desert
    Farm & Garden

    Wire Compost Bin

    This post may contain affiliate links. Please see disclosure and privacy policy here. Making Dirt From Scratch I decided to start with compost once we decided that our version of clean eating was going to include growing or raising as much of our food as we could. From there we started looking at the financial aspects of making these changes. It can be very expensive to set up gardening beds, green houses, chicken coops, and livestock pens all at once. When my husband started talking about turning our dry lot pasture to an irrigated field I knew we would need A LOT of organic matter; manure, mulch, and compost. We can…